Iconic Houses

The Best Houses to rent for seminars or professional events
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  • This facility is available only for professional participants in the field of Architecture
  • For login name and password, please contact info@iconichouses.org.
  • After getting the above credentials, log in through Click here
If you want to see Inspirational designs, Illustrations, and Graphic elements from the world's best architectural designers !
Explore this Guide
What is Iconic Houses
It is an international non-profit platform that connects architecturally significant houses and artists’ homes and studios from the 20th century that are open to the public as a house museum. This platform also focuses on advocacy, preservation, house museum management and cooperation. 

Want to explore more about it? Visit the official website Iconic Houses
  • It covers the architectural design and description of around 186 houses and studios.
  • It covers the latest news and updates on restoration and conferences.
  • They also cover interviews with famous architects.
Toolkit - Preservation Resources
Whether you’re a conservation professional or a complete novice, this portal is here to help with useful information about architectural conservation and restoration from all over the world and has been vetted by international heritage and conservation experts. 

The material is arranged into four sections:
  • Establish and Understand the Significance 
  • Practical Challenges and Material Issues
  • Case Studies
  • Additional resources