Jus Mundi

How to access if you are on campus
You can access Jus Mundi without creating an account.

Connect to the JGU WiFi and Click Here.
How to access if you are off campus
For off-campus access to Jus Mundi, follow the below steps:

Step 1:- Go to the Remotlog Portal and login with your JGU Outlook account.

Step 2:- Go to All Databases and select 'Jus Mundi' from the list.
Jus Connect
Jus Connect is a professional network built exclusively for arbitration. It assists users in selecting the best arbitrators, lawyers, specialists, tribunal secretaries, or firms for their cases. The website offers data-driven profiles, which include information on caseload, employment experience, and sector competence. (Source)
ICC Dispute Resolution Library
The ICC Dispute Resolution Library on Jus Mundi provides a variety of resources, including ICC arbitral awards, procedural judgments, enforcement instructions, model contracts, and DOCDEX rulings. It aspires to improve global arbitration practice by making crucial resources easily accessible to professionals. (Source)
Feedback & Queries
Please write your feedback and queries to glus@jgu.edu.in
what is Jus Mundi?
Jus Mundi is a comprehensive, multilingual, and user-friendly international law and arbitration platform. It covers over 72,000 international law and arbitration documents, including investment arbitration, commercial arbitration, public international law, law of the sea, and international trade law.

Jus Mundi is an expansive database that provides access to a wealth of information on international law and arbitration. This means it houses a vast collection of legal documents and decisions from jurisdictions worldwide, making it an unrivaled resource for anyone studying or practicing in these fields.

The platform is instrumental in formulating robust legal strategies. It allows users to delve into a comprehensive case law collection, including past judgments and legal precedents. This feature can significantly strengthen your legal arguments and provide a solid foundation for your case or research. (Source)
  • Structured and Interactive Documents: Jus Mundi offers structured and interactive documents that make navigating legal texts easier.
  • Multilingual and Intelligent Search Engine: Jus Mundi supports multiple languages and uses AI to provide intelligent search results.
  • Preview of Relevant Paragraphs: It previews relevant paragraphs in the search results.
  • Interactive Filters: Jus Mundi offers more than a dozen filters to narrow search criteria.
  • CiteMap: utilizes AI to deliver contextual outcomes by associating your search terms with relevant concepts and data from the extensive Jus Mundi database.
  • Wiki Notes: provide a fast way to understand the main points of a legal idea. They also give you quick access to the most important cases and various patterns followed by tribunals. (Source)
Coverage Details
Content No. of Documents
Treaties 4774
Cases 92394
Rules 1009
Publications 7675
Treaties: includes treaty, Annex, Protocol, Side Instruments, and Model Arguments.

Cases: includes cases related to Commercial Arbitration, Inter-State, Investor-State, Trade Finance, Iran-US Claims, Sports Arbitration and others.

Rules: includes Rules of Arbitration, Guidelines, Practical Notes, Draft Articles and Model Law.

Publications: includes Journals, Books, ICC Bulletins, Awards, Wiki Notes, Model Contracts, Reports, Articles, Case Comments, and others. (Source)
JURIS Arbitration Law Library
With its extensive collection of books and journals on commercial arbitration, expert commentary, and exclusive global and regional analysis, the JURIS Arbitration Law Library on Jus Mundi is an invaluable resource. It facilitates effective, thorough legal research at every level of arbitration thanks to AI-powered search. (Source)
Tutorial Videos & Other Guides
To view a variety of tutorial videos,  please go to :  https://tutorial.jusmundi.com/ 

Click Here to view the Jus Mundi User Guide pdf.