Essentially, The Lens is a citation database of diverse open knowledge sets.
The Lens at its core is an aggregator of metadata, combining three unique content sets and one management tool as a base offering. This base supports the four primary functions of the Lens, which are to discover, analyse, manage and share knowledge.
Scholarly Works: Discovery and analytics tools providing access to a global corpus of scholarly literature metadata with citation indexing.
Patents: Discovery and analytics tools on a comprehensive collection of patent literature with citation indexing.
PatSeq: A facility to search and analyze biological sequences disclosed in patent literature.
Collections: A management tool to track, monitor, and analyze a collection of works or a collection of patents dynamically or statically.
The Lens ingests, cleans, aggregates, normalizes and serves over 225+ million scholarly works, 127+ million global patent records, and more than 370+ million patent sequences, with rich metadata including the people and institutions that generate this knowledge and the linkages between them, drawn from diverse data sources:
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The Lens for Prospective Students
Discover what papers, what researchers and what Universities or institutions are creating work that is influential in your field of interest. Perhaps an ideal training ground to build the linkages necessary for your future?
Discover what papers, what researchers and what Universities or institutions are creating work that is influential in your field of interest. Perhaps an ideal training ground to build the linkages necessary for your future?
Three main sections:
- a cover page which presents bibliographic information.
- a specification, which describes the invention, and
- claims, which define the the scope of activity from which the patentee has the right to exclude others unless they sign licensing agreements