Taylor and Francis eBooks

Accessing eBooks online and off-campus'
The books are available through I.P. based Access.
In-Campus Access
With the help of IP access, one directly access using the eBook database link without any separate credentials.
Off-Campus Access
Use the LINK to log in to our remote access gateway with JGU provided email account and go the list of eBooks resources, you may then select Taylor and Francis eBook database, and you can access the same without any separate credentials.
How to Search for eBooks
Using Library Catalog
All the available books in the library are searchable in our print and ebook catalog where you can enter the desired title in the search bar and select the corresponding result.
For eBooks, Look for the option labelled "Online Access" and click on it. This link will then direct you to the database for the complete full book.  In order to access them off-campus, you may use remotlog.
Identify which books we have access to
Besides searching in the library catalogue and confirming its access, you can directly search the title in the database and filter with contents specific to your access and refine.