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Once a submission is saved in the turnitin repository and I delete it from my account, does that get deleted from the repository?

Ans. A submission remains in Tunitin repository once it is saved in the Turnitin Repository, even if it is deleted from the instrucor account. In case you need to get it deleted from the repository it requires the "Submission ID" of that particular paper mentioned on:  
        1. Digital reciept received by the student on email, after online submission on your turnitin class.
        2. In the excel file downloaded from the ‘Learning Analytics’ of the class assignment.
        3. On the first page of the downloaded similarity report. (the deletion request should be sent to turnitin@jgu.edu.in mentioninng the submission id & reason for deletion) Note: Do not confuse between examination roll no with turnitin paper submission id).