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Note: After registering yourself on this platform you can use it for all CMIE products.
Registration Link
After registration, please share your J.G.U. Email id to glus@jgu.edu.in for enabling Remote Access.
Note: After registering yourself on this platform you can use it for all CMIE products.
You can access Consumer Pyramids dx from anywhere, whether you are on campus or off-campus.
To access it on campus, go to the Global Library website and click 'Consumer Pyramids dx'. Remember to connect to the campus Wi-Fi.
For off-campus access, go to the Remotlog portal and log in using your JGU email.
To access it on campus, go to the Global Library website and click 'Consumer Pyramids dx'. Remember to connect to the campus Wi-Fi.
For off-campus access, go to the Remotlog portal and log in using your JGU email.
Consumer Pyramids dx is a platform for the delivery of the Consumer Pyramids Household Survey. It provides anonymized record-level data at the level of individual households and members of households.
The Consumer Pyramids Household Survey (CPHS) is India's largest regular household survey, covering more than 178,000 households. It is also recognized as the world's largest household panel survey, having gathered data from over 236,000 households and 1.19+ million individuals since 2014.
The survey aims to collect various information, including household demographics, individual identities, employment status, health conditions, financial inclusion, individual and household incomes, consumption expenditures, asset ownership, purchase intentions, household amenities, and consumer sentiments. The income and expenses data are available as a monthly time series starting from January 2014. All this valuable data is made accessible through Consumer Pyramids dx.
The CPHS collects data on a wide range of household characteristics, including:
The Consumer Pyramids Household Survey (CPHS) is India's largest regular household survey, covering more than 178,000 households. It is also recognized as the world's largest household panel survey, having gathered data from over 236,000 households and 1.19+ million individuals since 2014.
The survey aims to collect various information, including household demographics, individual identities, employment status, health conditions, financial inclusion, individual and household incomes, consumption expenditures, asset ownership, purchase intentions, household amenities, and consumer sentiments. The income and expenses data are available as a monthly time series starting from January 2014. All this valuable data is made accessible through Consumer Pyramids dx.
The CPHS collects data on a wide range of household characteristics, including:
- Household size and composition
- Education levels of household members
- Employment status of household members
- Income levels of household members
- Household consumption and expenditure patterns
- Asset ownership of household members
- Consumer sentiment of household members
The People of India dx database contains information on individuals in sample households, including gender, age, marital status, education, state of origin, religion, employment, time-use, health & finance, and caste. It also covers migration details, reasons, and data on member deaths.

Click on the 'Data Download' option. Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download.

Click on the 'Data Download' option. Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download.
Aspirational India provides insight into household asset interest. Their interest could manifest as ownership, a desire to own, or simply a desire to purchase assets. There are a dozen assets covered. A house, household conveniences such as refrigerators, air conditioners, coolers, and washing machines; TV, computer; transportation systems such as vehicles and two-wheelers; and, specifically for rural India, gensets, tractors, and livestock. It also provides data on Investments & Debt, Amenities and Sentiments.

Click on the 'Data Download' option. Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download.

Click on the 'Data Download' option. Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download.
Income Pyramids dx offers a comprehensive monthly time-series analysis of income for a sample of households, providing valuable insights into the composition of their earnings from various sources. The study sheds light on the diverse avenues through which households generate income, providing a holistic view of their financial situations.

Click on the 'Data Download' option. From the drop down menu on the top, you can select the data required (household income or member income). Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download

Click on the 'Data Download' option. From the drop down menu on the top, you can select the data required (household income or member income). Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download
Consumption Pyramidsdx presents an extensive and detailed breakdown of the monthly and weekly consumption expenses of Indian households. The database comprises data on 153 specific expense heads, each providing insights into various aspects of household spending. Many of these expense heads further encapsulate detailed sub-expenses, offering a granular understanding of consumption patterns.
The main categories of consumption expenses covered are food expenses, clothing and footwear, cosmetics and toiletries, appliances and electronics, restaurants and entertainment, utilities, transport, communication, education and health, and EMIs.

Click on the 'Data Download' option. From the drop-down menu on the top, you can select the required data (monthly or weekly expenses). Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download.
The main categories of consumption expenses covered are food expenses, clothing and footwear, cosmetics and toiletries, appliances and electronics, restaurants and entertainment, utilities, transport, communication, education and health, and EMIs.

Click on the 'Data Download' option. From the drop-down menu on the top, you can select the required data (monthly or weekly expenses). Then click on desired Wave (time period) and Format (csv & txt) to Download.