SCC Online

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Please watch the video guide or review the PDF guide to understand the registration procedure.
Video Guide - How to Create an Account in SCC Online
How to access SCC Online on Campus
Please watch the video guide or review the PDF guide to understand the access procedure for on campus access to SCC Online.
Video Guide - How to access SCC Online on campus
How to access SCC Online Off Campus
Please watch the video guide or review the PDF guide to understand the access procedure for off-campus access to SCC Online.
Video Guide - How to access SCC Online off-campus
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Secondary Materials
All the sources are useful for building an opinion on a particular topic or describing the law. These sources are useful as a starting point for legal research. Secondary sources are not the law itself, but they are opinions, commentaries, and discussions. In the browse secondary materials option, you can find Bills in parliament, constitutional documents, historical trials, policy documents, and Reports of commissions and committees.

Constitutional Documents include:

Constituent Assembly Debates (all 12 volumes, including the index from 1946 to 1950)

Constitutional Acts: Government of India act-1915, 1919, 1935
Historical trials of Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Maharaja Nand Kumar, and Sir Roger Casement
Policy documents related to the policies introduced by central and state governments in various administrative areas.
Reports of commissions and committees include reports to guide, advise or provide solutions to various issues coming under the concerned ministry. Consists of reports from Permanent commissions and Ad hoc commissions.
The database includes treaties of the Indian Government and has also arranged these treaties alphabetically from A to Y.

While the 1950 Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship is the oldest Indian treaty, the database also contains it.

There are 432 bilateral treaties dating from 1963-2021, and no multilateral treaties are on our subscribed list.
Materials related to Moot Court Competition
Access a fast amount of Moot Court Competition resources through SCC Online.
The SCC database contains 41 records of Indian law school competitions.

For Moot Court Competition news, "Click Here."
Tagore Law Lectures
SCC Online also provides access to The Tagore Law Lectures, an annual lecture series organized and hosted by the University of Calcutta in India.

The series is named after Prasanna Kumar Tagore.
Total collection 39 from 1870-1942 (some of the years are missing: 1876, 1880)
Data coverage
  • Statutory Laws: Central and State 
  • Bills introduced in the Parliament: Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
  • Judgments: Supreme Courts, High Courts, District Courts, Federal Court (1938 onwards), Privy Council (1807 onwards), Tribunals and commissions
  • Bilateral treaties
  • 71 Journals - including one of India's oldest journals called "Law Weekly" (1914-2016)
  • Moot Court Resources
  • Legal/Business News
  • Tagore Law Lectures

For more details regarding data coverage,  (Source)
SCC Online Workshop (conducted by Ms. Vedika Kakar on 28th January 2024)
How to search using citation
How to find Overruled Law Point on SCC Online
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias