World Bank Group Arichive

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Tel: 1 (800) 645-7247 or
(703) 661-1580
Fax: (703) 661-1501
The Archives has various responsibilities for WBG records and information regardless of age and format.  We have ownership of the World Bank Group Management of Records Policy, and we are the primary implementer of the Bank's Policy on Access to Information. We also provide advice, guidance, and support for other policies like data privacy, information security, and more.
  1. AMS 10:11: Management of Records
This policy sets out the WBG's requirements and procedures for managing its records and defines staff responsibilities.
  1. Access to Information Policy
Underlying the policy is the principle that the World Bank will disclose any information in its possession that is not on its list of exceptions.
Professional Engagement:
The World Bank Group Archives periodically hosts conferences, workshops and other events that explore the history of the World Bank Group and its impact on development as well as topics related to the theory and practice of archives.
  1. Past Events
View agendas, speaker bios, links to publications, and video clips from past events organized or hosted by the Archives.
1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA
Tel : (202) 473-1000
For media inquiries about World Bank activities: REGIONAL MEDIA CONTACTS
For media inquiries about World Bank activities in a particular region:
Anupama Verma

M Madhan

Anupama Verma



We are a team of archives, records, and information management professionals with responsibility for the records and information of the World Bank Group (WBG). We provide the public with access to the archival holdings of the World Bank along with engaging tools that enable the discovery of historical information. We also have fiduciary responsibilities for current records management and information governance within the WBG, made possible by policies, programs and services provided internally.
Researchers in the World Bank Group Archives' reading room.  
Access the Catalog
The Archives Catalog offers finding aids that describe our records which are the documentary evidence of all of the business activities of the Bank. The finding aids assist researchers when making a request for access to records which are organized into groupings called fonds. Browse the thematic lists below or click on the “Search Our Finding Aids” button. For further guidance, visit the Using Our Finding Aids page.

Thematic Lists of Fonds Descriptions

SEARCH OUR FINDING AIDS  1.General Management and Administrative Units The records in these fonds primarily relate to non-lending activities such as external liaison, operations policy, and resource mobilization. 

2.Regional Vice Presidencies

Regional Vice Presidencies are responsible for lending operations, including project identification and supervision, economic and sector work, and country relations.

3.Sector Departments

Sector departments were created as part of a Bank-wide reorganization in 1972. Responsibilities include sector policy development, operational support and review, and subject matter expertise. 

4.Consultative Groups

Includes records relating to consultative groups that the World Bank sponsors or for which it serves as the secretariat. Consultative groups consist of public, private and/or international organizations that coordinate and raise funds for technical assistance and research.

5.Sector Vice Presidencies and Networks

Sector Vice Presidencies were responsible for coordinating and guiding the work of sector departments, the units responsible for sector policy and best practice development, staff training, and other non-operational activities.

6.Personal Papers and Non-Bank Records

Personal papers and non-Bank records include records that have not been in the continuous custody of the World Bank since their creation.

7.Individual Staff Members

The individual staff member fonds contains records that were accumulated by individual staff from the various offices in which they served. Because the records cover the individual’s work in more than one office, the records cannot be assigned to a fonds for a single office.

8.Reference Collection on World Bank Group History

The Reference Collection contains copies of records from other repositories that relate to the history of the World Bank Group. 

9.Complete List of Fonds

The complete list of fonds consists of all of the descriptions in thematic groupings

Starting Points

These tools can inform your search for records and answer many research questions without needing to use the full Archives Catalog.
  1.  Country Historical Profile Website
Provides information and access to resources highlighting the institution’s relationship with member nations over time.
  1. Historical Timeline
Offers an engaging way to learn about nearly 400 events across four subtimelines while discovering some of the gems of the World Bank Group Archives.
  1. Documents and Reports Database
Get access to nearly 400,000 Bank Group-authored reports, including Board Documents, Economic and Sector Work reports, project documents, and publications and research.
  1. Projects and Operations Portal
Provides contextual information for each World Bank project, past and present, as well as a folder list of 
  1. Open Data
Provides access to data sets, visualizations, and tools published by the World Bank Group.
  1. Oral History Program
Access nearly 400 transcripts and summaries of oral history interviews and listen to audio clips of firsthand accounts of key events in the World Bank Group’s history.
  1. Photo Catalog
Browse or search thousands of photos documenting World Bank Group operations, official signings, and other historic events and personalities.
  1. Web Archives
Preserves World Bank Group websites that have been decommissioned and that have historical and research value.
Online Access to Archives Holdings
Archival records may be accessed online in two ways:
Archives Catalog
A portion of the World Bank Group’s vast collection is available electronically thanks to our ongoing Digitization Program.
Browse Digital Objects to exclusively view the digitized portion of the collection.
Search or browse the complete Archives Catalog for the entire collection, including descriptions of the millions of analog records that are not yet available electronically.
Projects & Operations
Discover final project documents and reports or access folder lists of project-related archival records. Records that have been digitized are accessible here.
Search projects by keyword or browse by CountrySector, or Theme

1.Dig Deeper into the World Bank Group Archives

View a short introduction to online resources that will help you prepare an access to information request or, when available, access digitized archival records electronically.
Dig Deeper into the World Bank Group Archives


2.Welcome to Open Archives

Our Open Archives Brochure summarizes the various avenues for research offered by the World Bank Group Archives.

3.World Bank Group History: Exploring the Archives

This short video surveys the course of the World Bank’s history while introducing the various types of records that can be found in the Archives’ holdings.
World Bank Group History: Exploring the Archives


1. Access to Information

Access to WBG records is governed by the Access to Information Policy.
Learn More
Access to Information
2. Submit a Request
After researching what materials you need in our catalog, submit a request for access.
Learn More
Submit a Request
3. Inside the Archives
The Archives' innovative Digital Preservation Program paves the way for the future. 
Go Inside
Inside the Archives
4. Engage
Keep up with the latest news and releases from the WBG Archives.
Follow Us on Twitter

Explore History

Discover the Archives

Doing Research

Using the Archives

A.Finding Background Materials

A guide created by the World Bank/IMF Library Network to help people find information about and by the World Bank Group.

B.Exploring Our Records

Key digital repositories for accessing World Bank Group historic resources online, including data, reports, project files, photographs, knowledge products, and more. A high-level introduction to records in the custody of the World Bank Group Archives.

C.Using Records

Request Access to Holdings

Although many records are available online via the Archives Catalog and Projects & Operations website, access to other records requires a formal request.
This guide provides instructions on preparing and submitting a request. [Ready to Request? ] An introduction to how researchers can use our finding aids to identify records relevant to their research. A searchable and browsable database of finding aids that will inform your request and provide access to digitized records when available. The holdings of the World Bank Group Archives are accessible to the public in our reading room by appointment.

D.Citing and Publishing Our Materials

Terms of Use, Reproduction, and Citation
Guidance for researchers' use and reproduction of World Bank Group archival records. 
Terms of Use, Reproduction, and Citation
Programs and Responsibilities
Our records and information management responsibilities within the WBG cover the entire lifecycle of information: from creation or receipt through to final disposition, which includes either destruction of information in accordance with the WBG's rules or preservation of, and access to, information that has enduring archival value. Our programs support these responsibilities.
  1. Records Management Program
The Records Management Program ensures that trustworthy records are maintained and available for the World Bank Group and the global community.
  1. Digital Preservation Program
The Digital Preservation Program ensures the long-term preservation of, and access to, authentic digital records that have enduring value. 
  1. Arrangement & Description
WBG archivists create finding aids in order to provide researchers with information about the World Bank’s records and their creators.
  1. Access to Records
WBG archivists work with researchers to identify records responsive to their research interests and provide access to these records in the Archives' reading room or electronically.
  1. Digitization Program
The Archives' Digitization Program provides increased access to records in the custody of the WBG Archives. 
  1. Digital Collections
Resources available electronically, such as public reports, oral history transcripts, and project information, may help you to answer or refine your research question.
  1. Knowledge Products
The Archives' knowledge products explore the history of the Bank while introducing the public to our various holdings. 

JGU Library is not liable for violating the Copyrights. We are trying to guide you on how to access and use the archives.